Bearing GEWZ19ES-2RS

Bearing GEWZ19ES-2RS images
From: Plain Bearings
Plain Bearings Bearing GEWZ19ES-2RS Related parameters
Name Value
Bearing number GEWZ19ES-2RS
Brand MBY
Bore Diameter (mm) 19.05
Outer Diameter (mm) 31.75
Bearing dimensions and specification
Name Value
Bearing Type sealed
Bore Dia (d) 0.7500
Outer Dia (D) 1.2500
Outer Width (Bo) 0.5620
Inner Width (Bi) 1.1250
Dynamic Load Rating (Cr) 6,969
Static Load Rating (Cor) 21,356
Max. shaft corner radius, or 45 deg. chamfer (ch1) 0.012
Max. housing corner radius, or 45 deg. chamfer (ch) 0.024
Spherical Diameter (dk or Dk) 1.083
Mis alignment Angle (a deg.) - 5
Extended Inner OD (d1) 0.920
Weight (g) 64.00
Material 52100 chrome steel, or equivalent

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